积分 274
发贴 274
注册 2008-6-18
状态 离线
#1 How many e-mails
Give this a shot:
Extract and run BeckyMailCounter.exe. It will then start recursing through
your Becky data folder and parsing any BMF files it finds.
- No changes are made to any files.
- It can take quite some time for the app to finish since the number of
emails per BMF have a direct bearing on its speed. It's opposite of
what you would think, though. More emails per BMF is actually quicker
to read than one email per BMF.
- When it's done, a message box will pop up with the total mail count.
- If you don't want to wait for the app to finish, you can right-click
the yin-yang tray icon and choose exit.
- This app only works for POP accounts.
1: (2012-1-7 19:07, 376.57 K,下载次数: 535)