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#1  bkinfilter plugin 0.0.7


What's new?
1) Add setting window. Now you don't have to modify the ini file, you can do it directly on the setting form.

2) Now you can choose to delete the selected emails being filtered in one click (moved to trash)
    可以選擇在過濾郵件或域名後將之刪除 (移到垃圾箱中)

3) You can choose if prompt to sort the selected emails to destination folder before establishing the filter

1) From this version (0.0.6) on, all filters will be group in one set
    從 0.0.6 版起,所有過濾器將插入到同一組中

2) bug fix: duplicate filters will not be inserted twice now

Support filtering a group of mail

Readme in English will be listed at the bottom of this article

1) 甚麼是 bkinfilter?
bkinfilter 是 becky 插件,它可以通過右鍵菜單將當前郵件或其域名加入到 becky 的過濾名單中,這等同於在 becky 的過濾管理管中進行設置,但這樣只需一鍵就能實現了。

2) 怎樣使用 bkinfilter?
bkinfilter 目前提供兩個功能: a) 從服務器上過濾某郵件或域名 b) 郵件分類到目錄
a) 在需要過濾的郵件上點擊右鍵,在出現菜單項後,點擊 [禁止接收此郵件] 或 [禁止接收相同域名的郵件] 來實現將郵件或其域名加入到過濾名單中。
b) 按下 shift 鍵,直接將郵件(或多封郵件)拖到目的目錄中,插件會將分類規則加到becky的過濾器中。

3) bkinfilter 會立即刪除當前郵件嗎?

4) bkinfilter 會加入甚麼過濾規則來刪除郵件?
bkinfilter 會在過濾管理器中加入徹底從服務器中刪去該郵件以及不作任何備份的規則,因此,在使用前請謹慎!

Readme in English

1) What is bkinfilter?
bkinfilter is a  becky plugin which provide 1) append a filter rule to kill the specific email or emails from the same domain to Becky's filter manager. 2) append a filter rule to sort the specific email(s) to a given folder

2) How does bkinfilter work?
a) For killing the specific email or emails from a given domain, right clicking at the email you want to ban, choose  [Ban this email] or [Ban this domain].
b) Press shift and drag the email(s) to the folder to which you want the email(s) being sorted to

3) Will bkinfilter delete the current email immediately?
NO. It will only add a rule to the filter manager.

4) What kind of rules will bkinfilter append to the filter manager?
CAUTION! bkinfilter will add a rule to kill the email or emails from the same domain permanently (without backup).

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2009-4-11 01:36
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